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Weddix - Wedding & Event HTML5 Template

Version 1.0.0

Weddix is an exquisitely designed HTML5 template dedicated to weddings and special events. It features a sophisticated design complemented by a range of flexible features, delivering a flawless online platform that perfectly portrays every detail of your memorable day. Equipped with essential elements like RSVP forms and captivating photo galleries, Weddix is the ideal foundation to craft a beautiful digital showcase for your nuptials or event. Catering to celebrations both large and small, Weddix ensures your occasion is immortalized in style and elegance.

Features Overview

  • 3+ Homepage Variations
  • 10+ Pages
  • Creative Layout
  • Responsive in Any Device
  • Creative Layout
  • Based on Bootstrap v5.2.3
  • Fast, Lightweight and Powerful
  • Smooth Transition Effects
  • Integrated with Fantastic Custom Font icon
  • W3C Validated
  • Well Commented Code
  • Easily Customizable
  • Google Fonts
  • Detailed Documentation

Follow the steps below to set up your site template:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package and open the Template folder to find all the template files.
    You will get Weddix folder in there. You need to upload this folder to your hosting website.
    server using FTP or cPanel in order to use it on your website.
  2. Below is the folder structure you will see in your website root directory:
    • Weddix/assets/css – Stylesheet files
    • Weddix/assets/css/iconly.css Icon/fonts files
    • Weddix/assets/images – Image files
    • Weddix/assets/js – JS files
  3. You need to upload all or specific HTML files as per your needs.
  4. And now you are ready to go to generate your website with this awesome template.

We are using the Bootstrap Latest Version v5.2.3 framework in this template.
The general template structure is the same throughout the template. Here is the general structure.

Introduce Weddix All Pages

  • index.html is ====> Home One

  • index-02.html is ====> Home Two

  • about.html is ====> About Page

  • services.html is ====> Services Page

  • services-details.html is ====> Services Details Page

  • Project.html is ====> Project Page

  • project-details.html is ====> Project Details Page

  • blog.html is ====> Blog Post

  • blog-single.html is ====> Blog Details Page

  • faq.html is ====> Faq Post

  • contact.html is ====> Contact Us Page

The style.css file contains all of the specific stylings for the page. The file is separated into sections using:

  • bootstrap.min.css

    This file includes core bootstrap styles


  • iconly.css

    This file include iconly font icon

  • iconsax-style.css

    This file include iconsax font icon

  • lity.min.css

    This file includes Lity popup.

  • slick.css

    This file contains styles about slick carousel plugin


  • tabanimation.css

    This file contains styles about tabs

  • style.css

    All styles about template

  • jQuery 3.6.0

    jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.


  • bootstrap.min.js

    Core bootstrap js file


  • gsap.js

    GSAP is a robust JavaScript toolset that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build
    high-performance animations that work in every major browser.


  • slick.min.js

    jQuery carousel plugin from Slick


  • ScrollTrigger.min.js

    Scrolltigger is work for animation reveal with GSAP

  • locomotive-scroll.min.js

    A lightweight script to Smooth Scroll

  • main.js

    This file contains all script about site.